
Five Things You Shouldn’t Assume About Your Facility’s Supply And Use Of Indicator Pilot Lights

You need to be properly informed to make the most of the indicator pilot lights used at your facility. The following are six things you shouldn't assume to make sure you're properly informed about your facility's supply and use of indicator pilot lights.  Your Current Supply of Indicator Pilot Lights Is Adequate for Your Needs Don't simply assume that your current supply of indicator pilot lights in your inventory is adequate. Read More 

Guide For Those Buying Work-Related Lift Trucks

If you want a convenient and safe experience lifting things like pallets and moving them around, a lift truck is going to be an ideal investment for your facility. These trucks vary in a lot of different ways, but if you want to find one that continues to have a positive impact around your worksite, consider following this guide to make your purchase: Lifting Height  One of the main roles of a lift truck is to lift materials up to certain distances. Read More 

Top Reasons Why Aluminum Is Commonly Used In The Aerospace Industry

In the aerospace industry, it's important for the right materials to be used when parts are being made. There are a variety of different materials that are used for making parts for the aerospace industry, but aluminum is very commonly used. These are some of the top reasons why aluminum is such a common material for airplane parts and even spacecraft parts. If you are involved in the aerospace industry at all, then you should consider aluminum for making parts -- or you should consider purchasing parts that are made out of aluminum -- for these reasons. Read More 

How To Make A Smart Cable Granulator Recycling Machine Investment

If you're interested in getting involved in cable recycling where materials are ground and separated, a cable granulator machine is what you'll want to invest in. You can make a smart purchase with this device if you're careful and take these steps. Make Sure Grinding Portion Is Well-Supported An important component of this recycling machine for cables are the mechanisms responsible for grinding. They are what let you work cables into smaller sections, which you can appropriately sort and sell in a more organized way. Read More 

4 Ways To Reduce Tooling Costs When Manufacturing Rubber Parts

Molded rubber parts are used for a wide range of applications across many different industries. The design manufacturing process allows customers to specify the exact dimensions and materials that will be used to create their rubber parts. Unique molds are then tooled to facilitate these specifications. After material selection, tooling needs can determine the total cost of manufacturing rubber components. There are some simple things that you can do to help improve product quality and reduce tooling costs in the future. Read More